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How a Money Bracelet Can Turn Your Fortunes Around

How a Money Bracelet Can Turn Your Fortunes Around

Posted by Energy Artist Julia on Jul 20th 2021

Finding good fortune in your life can seem tough at times, especially when we are down on our luck and it seems like nothing is going right. Can a piece of jewelry like a money bracelet actually turn your fortunes around and help you attract good things into your life?

In this article, we’re going to explore the nature of luck and how people have been using abundance crystals and spiritual jewelry for thousands of years to generate wealth and success in their lives.

Is Luck Real? A Metaphysical Perspective

The concept of luck is something that has permeated cultures around the world and even today still holds a deep fascination despite how unscientific it seems. There’s something intuitive about luck that defies logical reasoning.

When we are experiencing a noticeable streak of bad luck, it’s almost as though you can feel the weight of negativity in the air. The opposite is true in terms of the lightness that is associated with a run of good luck. When everything is working out for you, it can feel as though you are walking on air, weightless and untouchable.

It’s hard to apply logic to what is decidedly a system that defies scientific reasoning, but it’s also hard to fight our instincts.

So what exactly is luck and does it exist at all? And if so, is there a way that we can influence our luck by taking certain measures or using certain tools?

Some believe that luck is simply a physical manifestation of our current state of being. This would include the frequency of our energy, our mindset, and other factors such as the energy of our environment or the possible effects of spiritual entities such as angels or negative spirits.

When you factor in all of these subtle forces together, you get luck. Given these parameters, it stands to reason that we can influence our luck or even completely turn it around by using various spiritual methods.

Improving Your Fortunes With Energy Jewelry

Certain gemstones are thought to resonate at the same vibration as money and are often used in matters of creating good fortune. By possessing these stones, it can help deter negative energies or even help put us in an abundant state of mind. However, the true value of these energy stones can only be fully realized when intentionally constructed into wearable energy jewelry.

Can shifting luck really be as simple as using the right crystals or wearing the right jewelry?

In a sense, turning your luck around has to do with several factors, many of which a high-quality piece of energy jewelry could assist with:

●The kind of thoughts you have toward money.

●Whether you are ready to accept abundance into your life.

●How gracious you are for what you currently have.

●Outside energy influences such as negative intentions sent your way by others.

●Your ability to make sound financial decisions (mental clarity).

●If you believe you deserve to be wealthy or not.

●How receptive you are to receiving spiritual blessings.

All of these different factors can play a role in how “lucky” you are. From a metaphysical point of view, your luck is a combination of mindset, spiritual awareness, and the energies that you allow into your life and that are currently affecting you.

In some cases, bad luck can actually be caused by the negative influences and intentions of other people. In such circumstances, the best way to correct the situation is with a powerful money magnet bracelet.

In general, using wealth-attracting jewelry is one of the most effective ways for generating abundance. These pieces of jewelry can help steer your mindset in the right direction and make you more gracious and appreciative of what you have. The right energy jewelry can fill you with confidence and help open your eyes to greater possibilities.

By doing so, you can spot financial opportunities and make more holistic decisions that compound over time. Luck tends to have a snowball effect. The better choices you make now wind up compounding down the road. This is what adepts refer to as an “abundance mindset,” a greater awareness of opportunity and anyone can cultivate it in order to attract wealth and improve their lives with a little help from the right spiritual jewelry.

A Money Bracelet That Can Help You Attract Abundance

Here at Energy Artist Jewelry, we have an assortment of finely crafted jewelry items that are made with powerful precious stones and metals that are ideal for attracting money and improving your luck in life. Each of our jewelry pieces has been enhanced with focused, channeled energies that will also work to boost your energy field and turn your luck around.

One money bracelet in particular, our Money Magnet Wealth Attractor Bracelet, uses a combination of India agate and copper for incredibly powerful abundance attracting potential. If you are serious about turning your fortunes around and opening yourself up to living a more abundant lifestyle, this bracelet can certainly help you on your journey.


Energy Artist Julia