

A Guide To Attracting Love - How To Use Your Energies To Bring Love To You

Posted by Energy Artist Julia on Apr 21st 2024

The Story In the fall of 2001, after a 9 year search, I finally manifested the love of my life, Spencer, and we have been together ever since. It has been the most fantastic and interesting phase of my life where I finally bloomed as a person, artist and spiritualist. Believe You Are worth … read more
Guide To Awakening Your Dragon And Using Dragon Power

Guide To Awakening Your Dragon And Using Dragon Power

Posted by Laughing Raven on Oct 18th 2023

The Shaman's Guide To Riding Your Dragon By Laughing Raven I always knew I had a dragon living inside me.  What I didn't know was that it could manifest externally. When I was younger I was a little afraid of it, because when I went into "beast mode" I was unstoppable but somewh … read more

Some Interesting Facts About Energy Artist Julia

Jun 3rd 2023

Energy Artist Julia is the name used by spiritual artist Julia Kluesner who was formerly known as Julia Watkins.Energy Artist Julia married her husband, entrepreneur and former CEO of both DataMerge, Inc and CyberLoan, Inc Spencer Kluesner on July 15, 2021 after an 18 year engagement and changed her … read more

Spirit Hides Angels Among The Homeless - Kindness will get you their blessing.

Posted by Energy Artist Julia on Jul 5th 2022

Dear Friends,I have more than a belief that spirit hides angels among the homeless who will rain blessings down upon you if you treat them kindly.What I mean by “more than a belief” is that on our travels, we have actually had them reveal themselves to us.The strange thing about it is often spirit s … read more
Spirit's Predictions For 2022 - What spirt says you should know.

Spirit's Predictions For 2022 - What spirt says you should know.

Posted by Energy Artist Julia on Mar 22nd 2022

Here is what spirit said to tell you about 2022 and how you can thrive in the coming year.Click here to see all available joy and happiness items.________________________Dear Friends,On Dec 22 I traveled to spirt and asked what we can expect for 2022. Here is what I learned.Regarding the coming year … read more