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​The Easy Way To Let Go Of Past Hurts

Posted by Energy Artist Julia on Jun 29th 2021

Forgiveness can be easy if you approach it this way.

Dear Friends,

A lot of you have expressed to me the difficulties you have with letting go of past hurts and things people have done to you.

When you are trying to get over something, people will tell you to “just get over it” or “move past it“l or “learn to forgive” or “it takes time.”

But that just isn’t that helpful.

Just the other day, Spencer told one of our friends something we talk about a lot here, which is a way to get over things more quickly.

And here it is.

If someone has really hurt you in the past, and it keeps popping into your mind, say to yourself that while you can’t forget it, you refuse to give any emotional energy to it because doing so hurts you.

Many things can be at play here.You may actually get a physical charge when thinking about it.It may be playing with your self esteem.They may actually still be energetically feeding on you.

But you have a right to your energy, and your happiness, and there is no spiritual or physical law that says you have to give your energy to them by thinking constantly about them or what they did.

So the next time you find your mind going to negative things that happened in the past, just say to yourself, or out loud “I refuse to give my energy to that.”It is very empowering because it puts you in control of your emotions, instead of your emotions ruling you.It also causes those hurts to fade much faster.

I hope this will bring you peace of mind which may have been eluding you.


Energy Artist Julia