How To Block Manipulation
Manipulation is when someone uses indirect, dishonest, or coercive tactics to get what they want or convince you to act or do something —often at the expense of your well-being, boundaries, or truth.
It affects 85% of us at any given time and can have devastating negative effects on you life, your decisions and your confidence. It can come from people or things like the news.
It isn't just a psychological attack. It is an energetic attack.
Here are some things you can do to energetically block manipulation.
How to Counter Manipulative Tactics
Pause. Breathe. Don’t respond immediately. Take a moment to return to your body and your center.
Say Your Grounding Affirmation:
"I am safe. I am clear. I see the truth."
Name What’s Happening (Even Just to Yourself):
"This is manipulation, not insight." or "This is pressure, not support."
Step Away. You don’t owe anyone an instant answer—especially when you’re being emotionally cornered.
Wear Protective Gemstones shown below which help you see through deception or block negative energies.
Below are items that can help you block and see through manipulation and reduce its negative effects.
There are a lot of them. To choose the best ones for you trust your gut instinct and pick those that call to you.