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Why you feel like dancing under a full moon and why it gives you special psychic powers.

Posted by Energy Artist Julia on Aug 15th 2019

Watch my video then read below to discover the 

psychic powers the moon gives you.

Click Here. To See All My Art And Jewelry Items That Feature The Moon's Energies

Dear Friends,

Do you ever feel like dancing under a full moon — if not physically at least in spirit? Have you ever had a dream or visions of dancing with your spirit sisters in the moonlight? Of losing yourself into that moment of space where you exist in your full power and glory?

Don’t worry. You’re not crazy. This is a common archetypal theme in our very being.

The moon ruled the ancient oceans from whence we came, creating tides and flows that affect us to this day through our cycles.

Quite simply, we are creatures of the moon. The moon frees us and makes us want to dance, to celebrate the joy of our female existence.

Under the moon we can go to a deeply mystical place, where we are free from thought and worry . where we just are. And it is beautiful, overpowering, spiritual and utterly magical.

As a new age energy artist, I often bring the moon into my creations. I’ve never said it before, but I hope to help you discover this part of you through my art, to find your feminine power that changes worlds, that inspires the great arts, that mesmerizes and captivates all humanity as we dance like fairies and angels … under a full moon.

So please, at this time surrounding the full moon, look upon these images. Click those that inspire and resonate with you to learn more about their powers, which work best for you during the time of the full moon.

Here Are My Moon Energy Paintings.

Click On The Ones You Like To See Both The Enlarged Paintings 

And Jewelry Made From Them.

Moon Dancer Energy Painting.

Captures the energies of a you letting go and dancing under a full moon.

Click here to enlarge and also see jewelry I made from this.

Dragon's Moon Energy Painting

Combines the mysterious energies of the moon with the powers of the dragon to bring you good luck, intelligence, wealth and authority.

Click here to enlarge the painting and also see jewelry I made from it.

Raven's Moon Energy Painting.

Combines the moon with raven spirit to help you understand spiritual mysteries and answer questions you have.

Click here to enlarge and also see jewelry I made from this.

Moonlight Romance Energy Painting.

Brings magic and love into your life, not just with individuals but a romance with the joy of being alive.

Click here to enlarge and also see jewelry I made from this.