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Your Spiritual Reading for Today - Honor your past joyful memories, but leave them on a shelf and go out and embrace your destiny.

Posted by Energy Artist Julia on Jul 16th 2020

Recently, your mind is filled with memories and longing for the past. You look back at past relationships and circumstances with fondness, to the point where you forget to engage in the present.

Are these musings about bygone days keeping you from reaping the benefits of blessed change? Honor your past experiences without forgetting the grace that has brought you to where you are now. You have a divine appointment with life and the future you have only dreamed of is waiting for you.

Seek grief counseling or create a ritual to let go of the past. Advance your mind to what you want to create and step into your life. You will be amazed at how fast you can manifest joy in the present rather than relying on past memories.