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Your Spiritual Reading for Today - Take charge and seek out your tribe.

Posted by Energy Artist Julia on Jul 9th 2020

You feel left out and taken for granted. You want to be included but the invitation doesn’t come. You think if you change this or that about yourself, you will be noticed. Losing a few pounds, buying a new car or home will not solve this longing.

On a deeper level you desire to be close to others and to have someone to share the intimate ups and downs of life. By feeling like you are an outsider, you can inadvertently repel others.

Maybe you have to look beyond those in your immediate proximity to find your tribe. Reach out to groups with whom you have common interests. Honor who you are and assume those who can appreciate you are looking for you, too.

So, explore and get out of your home where they can find you and you will find close connections.