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The Art

The Art And Jewelry
Raising the planetary spiritual vibration, one soul at a time.
What if art and jewelry could do more than simply serve as a decoration?  What if it could raise the positive vibration of all those near, and thereby change the dynamic of our society, bring light, joy, hope and spiritual transformation planet wide?
That concept became reality when Energy Artist Julia had a profound vision and formed the Energism Art Movement.  Now with 300,000 spiritually influential followers, this art leads the way in transforming many aspects of our society, over the past 15 years creating a renewed awareness in the powerful benefits of positive thoughts and feelings for the individual and for society.
Each energy image you will see, and jewelry design is based on exhaustive,  intensive prayer, meditation and energy channeling by artist Julia Watkins that sometimes can take months, and once took over a year, although she also worked on other paintings at the same time. 
The result is that her art and jewelry goes far beyond simply being a representation of a spiritual subject. it contains the spiritual essence of that subject … something you can feel by simply looking at it. Many describe her art as sacred artifacts or even talismans which emit life-altering positive energies.