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How To Talk To Angels - A guide to amazing angel communication using the stone selenite.

How To Talk To Angels - A guide to amazing angel communication using the stone selenite.

Posted by Energy Artist Julia on May 5th 2021

Learn here how to communicate with angels and higher beings using Julia's amazing method which was developed and perfected over a life time.  Includes detailed "how to" instructions, examples  and advice from Julia.  Works when you wear Julia's  Angel Communicator Bracelet. 

Click here to see the angel communicator bracelet 

(hurry, we're running out of these).

Click here to see all of Julia's angel energy jewelry and art.


How To Communicate With Angels

Using Your Selenite Angel Communicator Bracelet.

The Soul Star Connection

NOTE:The methods described below are more advanced angelic communication methods. If you don’t want to use them you can still get answers from your angels and spirit just by wearing your bracelet, clearing it occasionally, following the instructions on the included prayer card,and looking for signs and coincidences in your every day life.Below is how I learned to get more detailed answers from them.

Always remember that an angel will never ask you to do anything wrong, negative or dangerous, or ask you to hurt others our yourself. And always use reason and seek professional guidance when making any major life decisions.

Advanced Angel Communication Methods

Speaking To Angels As A Child

When I was a child, I conversed freely with my angel guides who I remembered from the place I had been before I came to this world.I didn’t talk to all angels, but just the ones that were my assigned guides.

But around when I turned 5, I refused to communicate further with them because they told me something I didn’t want to hear.

I was quite unhappy, and asked them when would I would finally feel happy, safe and secure.They told me I wouldn’t have peace of mind, and find fulfillment, until I was in my 50’s.That seemed so far away and in anger I completely cut them off.

What I didn’t realize was that I had energetically closed my soul star chakra which enabled strong communication with them. When it was open it was as if I was one of them myself.

This is common for those who open their soul star chakra.While opening the crown chakra can allow communication with angels, by opening the soul star chakra you see the interconnectedness of all the universe and realize you are one with it, them, the angels, spirit.

But my soul star chakra was closed, possibly for the first time in my existence. And thus began years of wandering this world in a fog,where I lost my spiritual wings, where I lived my life simply wanting to go back to the place I had come from — a place I lived before I was born, a place where I was filled with peace and harmony, happiness and love.

I still received visions and insights through a partially open crown chakra, but my guides were gone.I still felt their presence when I created paintings which I had from a young age.That part of the connection stayed with me,which was how I survived. By entering that space, I received inspirations and even visions which sustained me to some extent.But I didn’t talk to my guides, and they had long since stopped trying to talk to me.

How I Found My Angels As An Adult

A series of events, that at the time seemed unrelated, gradually brought me back to my angels.I had the vision I’ve talked about often, where spirit told told me to create energy art and showed me a world of energy hidden beneath ours.

And I learned to use a specific meditative practice to communicate with spirit, to bring me hope and comfort as my husband Spencer and I lived without a home, out of a van for 8 years, trying to make a living selling energy infused art.

What I didn’t realize was that by beginning these meditations, I started to once again open my soul star chakra and pave the way for powerful communicate with my angel guides, and with spirit.

I gradually began to feel a need to speak with my guides once again. One day, I finally felt ready and asked to talk to them. For a few days they said nothing. Then one morningthey all came through at once, talking excitedly over one another.There was great joy in us meeting once again.I cried and talked to them. I had forgotten some of them.

Testing Your Guides Is Important. What I had to do next was test them to make sure nothing bad had become mixed up with them.The way you do this, if they do speak or you feel their presence is to ask them their name and purpose.If they won’t tell you then you should not pay attention to them.If they try to take control then they have to gently be pushed back into place so you remain in charge.

Also, if you can see them in your imagination walk around them to see if they are solid.

Shamans will tell you, that when you meet a guide, look to see if they appear natural and all things to check their teeth.If they appear not three dimensional, or they have some sort of crazy teeth, they are not guides.

One guide in particular tried to take over all the others.And of all things he tried to get me to tell Spencer that he had to begin conquering in business like he had done in past lives militarily.He definitely was not my guide.

I chose the ones who I would communicate with, and from then on they were back in my life, bringing me guidance, love and healing.

I should mention that if a guide doesn’t seem right, or ever tells you to do something wrong, or one you tested and rejected, won’t go away, you may have to get additional help. We can recommend people if this happens to you.

I should mention that for many people, talking to their angel guides starts more quietly. You have to learn to listen and trust that they will communicate.It can even start as a simple, but definite feeling which is different from what you just felt.Once you know where to pay attention, it becomes easier and easier.

For me, it was more instant because I had done it fluently as a child.

The Great Communication Meditation You Can Successfully Do

So you’re probably wondering, what that was this meditation I used to communicate with my angel guides?

From a friend I learned a method where you stand then allow forces to pull your body forward when the answer from spirit is “Yes” and backwards when the answer is “No”.

I should point out that I learned this the hard way.If you wear cleared, soul star chakra selenite, this is much, much easier.

Open A Sacred Space. What you first need to do is clear your area of bad energies and conflicting energies, open a sacred space and then begin to ask your questions.

There are a lot of ways to open a sacred space, but the easiest is to fill a glass or bowl with clear filtered water, walk the space and sprinkle the water to the four directions while stating your intention to clear the space of bad energies and open it to the universe.I actually use sage spray for this but water is fine.

Tune The Method. Once you have done this, stand erect, and make a statement you know to be true and one you know to be false. Then after each question feel if within you are being pulled forward or backward.You should feel yourself ever so slightly be pulled forward when you make the correct statement, and backwards when you make the false statement.You may need to close your eyes to do this. And sometimes you get a big pull forward or backwards, so make sure you don’t fall on anything hard.

If you have confirmed that you are balanced by rocking forward or backwards, then it is time to ask your questions. If not, try another clearing method or move to a lighter feeling space.

Ask Questions Of Angels

I found it easiest to ask simple yes and no questions to start.If you rock forward it means yes, and backwards that means no.

Asking questions is something you get better at, and is kind of an art for some. You may first find you don’t understand the answer.Spirit always sends you to where you most need to go, to learn what you need to learn or do what you need to do along the path of your life and in accordance with the contract you made when you came here.So sometimes you just don’t understand the answer.

For example you might ask “will this get better?” Ifyou rock forward it means it will.And two years later it does and you don’t think about it until you realize you forgot to ask about time.A better question is “will this get better within one week?”

Many times, I get a yes, but to me things didn’t change the way I thought they should within my definition of “better.”They just got better another way. It is important that you let go of your expectations and see things for what they are.I wear amethyst to help with this but you can also do it by just observing things unfold. Click here to see my amethyst designs.

So spirit said said things would get better, and they may be getting better energetically without you realizing it.energetically. Things may be cleared in the cosmos for you without you realizing it.It is so important to sit back and observe, to look for the signs, for little coincidences and unexpected things, see their patterns and connections, and also to see what is in front of you by seeing things from new and from different angles or perspectives.

What I have learned is that the answers “yes” and “no” are judged by spirit and your angel guides in a much different way than by you, on a much grander scale and in ways you don’t at first understand.But in the end, I find you always do understand their wisdom in the answer you received. It takes only time and with time it gets much easier to understand.

Here is another example.

I once asked should I hire someone for a task, and my guides said “yes.” So I did and it was a complete disaster.That person stole from me.At first I said “that was the totally wrong answer.”

But then, with time, I realized that I didn’t have systems in place that I would need if I was to continue in that line of work, and it would have been a much bigger disaster in the future if I didn’t make changes now.

So the angels led me on the right path, and saved me a lot of trouble. But it was not the path I thought I was on, and I was forced to face things I didn’t want to.

But asking questions always seems to help, often in a big way.

A great benefit of asking these questions is that eventually this leads to asking for help itself, and things you need. But like always, “God often gives you what you really need, which isn’t alwayswhat you think you need.”And asking for things is an even higher chakra which I hope to work on for you next.

At some point, you will have communicated with them enough by asking questions, that you begin to feel you can more quickly just ask and know their mind. It becomes a living conversation, felt in your heart. And with time, and an open soul star chakra,you will realize you once were one of them (an angel), and will be again, and you can even kind of be one now, if you stay grounded.

Grounding Is Important

I’ve heard stories of people who weren’t grounded when practicing this kind of high level meditation and got lost.It is something many of us fear but I don’t know of anyone who actually stayed lost, at least not in our time metric. It was more like they felt lost for a long time but it was just a matter if minutes.

But I do feel that it is important to ground yourself.You are still of this earth and are tied to this physical body and have a purpose to fulfill in spirit’s plan.You have to take care of yourself.

The most famous grounding story I have heard is of the Buddha, who under the Bodhi tree faced an army of demons sent to stop us from being able to enter Nirvana.

Through his great energies of love, combined with him touching mother earth, he defeated them and we could, if we reach higher levels of meditation,enter Nirvana.Nirana is an afterlife free from suffering, where you don’t have to be continually reborn.

The best grounding for me, as a child was standing in mud and looking up at a big blue sky while wiggling my toes.But sticking your finger in house plant dirt will work as well.You just have to touch something connected to mother earth like a house plant or even a stick.You just touch it and say “I am and remain connected to mother earth.”

If I Can’t Deviate From Spirit’s Plan, Then Why Do I Need To Know It And Ask Questions?

Spencer says that spirit sets the final destination of your journey, but the peaks and valleys are your creation.In other words, you can learn the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours. And if you don’t get to that destination in this life, you will have to live many lives until you do.

So Are You Already An Angel?

There is, of course a spark of the divine in all of us, which can grow with meditation or prayer or other religious practices.I don’t think one way is better than another. This is just how I do it. They are all great tools for spiritual transformation.

For me, the opening of the soul star chakra allowed me to realize that I am a part of the divine, housed for now in a physical body.I’m not flying around or anything.But I do more than sense it is in me.I know and feel it is in me. And I can go many places in my mind and even outside my body.Essentially, we are all divine in spirit.

So when we say the word “namaste” we are saying, in Hindu “the god in me recognizes the god in you” … roughly translated.When you open your should star chakra, this becomes more than something you say in yoga class.It becomes a living truth that absorbs you when you open the soul star chakra.

This meditation, along with good selenite, is your path to do more than just speak with angels. It is a path to the realization that in your spirit, you are one of them.

Click here to see this bracelet.