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Your Spiritual Reading for Today - Drop the horror stories and insert the movie of your dreams.

Posted by Energy Artist Julia on Jul 15th 2020

When repetitive images plague your thoughts, your life can be consumed by your preoccupation. When your mind reviews past events, your brain and body cannot distinguish between the memory and the current experience of reliving the hurt, rejection or angry feelings. You re-enact the memories, as if you were experiencing them again in the present moment.

Reliving past events and allowing them to haunt you, prevent you from living a full life. Catch yourself rehashing old events or desiring something that is not available to you at this time. Then, drop the story and replace the thought with a happy memory or place. Focus your thoughts on that happy place or on people that make you thrive.

The thoughts that preyed on you will lose their power. The energy released will fuel your dreams.