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Tree Of Joy And Happiness Energy Pendant from the Magic Chi Collection

Energy Artist Julia

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This divinely inspired piece energetically releases your heart of all its burdens, so you can heal and experience life with the joy and wonder of a child ... Guaranteed.
It specifically focuses on helping you let go of worry and regret so you can enjoy every aspect of your life once again. 
Click ADD TO CART to get yours today!
Made With. Hand made in our new age studios in Gypsum Colorado. Chakra balanced, energy enhanced and personally blessed by the artist. This is a very high quality piece made with fired resinated glass and ground prisms on cast, polished jewelry grade stainless.  Orders today include free figaro chain worth $20.
This is part of Julia's "Magic Chi" collection based on design elements of sacred temples she visited in Asia.
This design greatly enhances the energies of the pendant.

Click ADD TO CART and get yours today.


Dear Friends,
This energy painting used to make this pendant sat in my studio for 6 years, waiting for the day when spirit would say it is time for the world to see it … that certain people needed this image, and its immense energies of joy to heal them and improve their quality of life. Just last week the message came, and now I'm told it is the right time to show it to you.
If you are feeling less joy, if you are going through the motions but not feeling it like you used to, if you are so caught up in the day-to-day struggle that you cannot experience happiness like you once did, this image can help you overcome all this and once again feel the playful joy and wonder of childhood.
It is very common for us to get beat down to a point where we question when we will ever get some relief. You are not alone. 
But spirit wants you to find joy and created through me this “Tree Of Joy” to help you find your way back to a full and vibrant life, to see the world once again as magic.
With the help of spirit, I energy channeled immense waves of joy and bliss into this image. They transmit to you when you look at it. Really, you cannot look at it without being filled with a sense of wonder and happiness. And the more you focus on it, and sense it reaching out to you, the happier you feel.
May it help you in ways you could only imagine.
Staring at it here, online is very helpful. Having an energy channeled and blessed print or jewelry piece is about 10x stronger.
I know this will help you feel more joy and happiness in your life, so I have no problem guaranteeing it.
Just get a print or jewelry piece, and focus on it for two weeks. If after that you do not believe you have more joy and happiness in your life, return it within 30 days for a refund.*

This item, images and writing all Copyright Julia Watkins. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced or copied without written permission.

*Note: These items DO NOT replace the need for medical treatment or counseling, financial advice or physical protection if you are your family are in a dangerous situation. Our obligation under this warranty and guaranty is limited only to the price paid directly to us for the item, and in purchasing you agree to release us from all other obligations.