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8 Signs You Are Destined To Be A Healer Or Shaman

8 Signs You Are Destined To Be A Healer Or Shaman

Posted by Energy Artist Julia on Mar 20th 2022

We've researched and discovered that healers and shamans have specific characteristics and experiences that give them the ability to heal others. Having even a few of those listed below is enough to indicate you have great potential as a healer.

(Click here to see energy talismans and images used by healers to help them improve their abilities.)

1. You Have Spiritual Leadership Visions. You feel or have felt that somehow you have a duty to lead others to the light, to teach and enlighten. You may have always known this is your mission in life or you may have realized it later.

See the other 8 signs below.

Click here to see all of my items that enhance personal vision, confidence and leadership.

Power Woman Confidence necklace

Above - The Power Woman Confidence Necklace. This is a spiritual leadership necklace that also helps open new opportunities to you. Click to learn more.


2. You’ve Faced Tough Times. You have experienced tough times, tragedies, or mishaps that although painful have also provided insights you wouldn’t normally have. By experiencing these difficulties you have been given the ability to see the signs in others and help them.

Click here to see all of my items for recovery, rebirth and regeneration after trauma.

Above - Shaman's Power Divination Bracelet. Intricate silver Vikings weave, prehnite and labradorite help you divine future events and patterns when you combine it with the wisdom you gained from past experiences.

Click here to learn more.


3. You Have A Mystical Connection To Nature. You feel revived, refreshed or energized when in nature. This is the source of power for most shamanic healers.

Click here to see all of my items that connect you to nature's vast powers.

The Nature Child Wild And Free Bracelet. Opens your connection to nature so you can communicate with all living things and heal with nature's powers.

Click here to learn more.


4. You Have Heightened Intuitive Senses. You are in tune with subtle clues around you that others cannot see. It can be things as simple as smell or hearing. This helps you understand and heal others by finding effective approaches most people would overlook.

Click here to see all of my items that help increase your intuitive senses.

White Wolf Totem Pendant. Helps heighten your senses both to gain advantages in your own life as well as understand others you might try to help in ways they cannot.

Click to learn more.


5. Unusual Creative Memory Connections. You can access memories of things that at first seem trivial but actually provide keen insights and a different way of looking at things for others.

Click here to see items that help open you to the world of creativity and vision.

The Creation Tree Energy Pendant. Helps you reach into the creative subconscious for ideas and understandings that help both you and those you are healing.

Click here to learn more.


6. Strong Empathy. You naturally feel a need to help people and animals. You also are protective of nature and value all living things.

Click here to see items which enhance the powers of empaths.

White Lily Energy Pendant. Fills you with energies of divine love, empathy and understanding so you can better help yourself and all those around you. Helps you radiate healing light.

Click here to learn more.


7. You Can Be An Introvert. You are now or have been in the past an introvert. Those who understand themselves are much more able to understand others as well and help them when needed.

Click here to see all my items that help with introspection and self awareness.

The Tranquil Mind Energy Necklace - helps you quite the mind, look inside and find the answers you need. A powerful ally to the introvert.

Click here to learn more.


8. You Realize You Have Unusual Powers. Healers often discover they have gifts like psychic, clairvoyant, empathic and other abilities that when harnessed prove to be very valuable.

The Lemurian Blue Calcite Power Magic Necklace. This necklace acts as a partner in your spiritual pursuits. It is believed that this stone chooses you at the beginning of time, then when it finds you it joins with you to make you a far more powerful shaman or spiritual practitioner.

Click here to learn more.