Energy Artist Julia
The Aura Shield Spiritual Protection Bracelet - Blocks toxic people, narcissists and energy vampires.
$138.00$138.00$88.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The "Crystal Palaces Of Heaven" Healing Light Bracelet - Energy channeled quartz, turquoise, chrysocolla and hematite.
$128.00$128.00$68.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The High Mountain Power Meditation Bracelet - Facilitates the optimal awakened but grounded spiritual state. Guaranteed authentic K2, sacred sphatik and lapis.
$138.00$138.00$98.00 -
Money Magnet
The Money Tree Wealth Bracelet. Grow your wealth and hold onto it. Wealth attracting Botswana agate, jade and unakite.
$148.00$168.00$98.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The "Bridge To Everywhere" Telepathy And Remote Healing Bracelet - Energy channeled kyanite, lapis and blue lace agate.
$168.00$168.00$88.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The Power Shaman's Boho Necklace - Double deer antler, carnelian, picture jasper and golden pheasant feather. Both stylish and spiritually powerful.
$228.00$228.00$138.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The “Jinx-Breaker" Good Luck Energy Bracelet - Helps reverse bad luck and bring you better luck.
$138.00$138.00$78.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The Speaker For Spirit Bracelet - Enhances your spiritual insights and communication. Lapis, sodalite and a happy Buddha bead.
$188.00$188.00$78.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The Curse Breaker Bracelet - Blocks and removes negative energies, the evil eye and even curses. Energy enhanced petrified coral, green mother of pearl and hematite.
$188.00$188.00$98.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The "Happy Dreams" Peaceful Sleep Bracelet - Featuring the dream stone blue apatite and turquoise.
$148.00$148.00$88.00 -
Money Magnet
The Rich And Happy Energy Bracelet - Energy infused, wealth attracting Canadian jade and red creek jasper. A Money Magnet™ design.
$138.00$138.00$88.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The Ultimate Spiritual Protection Bracelet - Provides two powerful types of spiritual protection, not just one. Evil eye bracelet.
$98.00$68.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The "Fairy Attractor" Magical Good Luck Bracelet - We discovered on security cams that these stones attract fairies and bring you good luck.
$108.00$108.00$78.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The 7 Chakra Power Healing Bracelet - The only chakra bracelets with guaranteed authentic healing stones.
$108.00$108.00$58.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The Galaxy Bracelet - Your celestial connection to other wondrous worlds.
$108.00$108.00$68.00 -
Money Magnet
The "Get What You Want" Law Of Attraction Bracelet - Red Jade And Howlite Helps You Energetically Attract The Things You Need
$108.00$108.00$68.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The Ultimate Confidence Building Bracelet - Empowering tiger's eye and green serpentine.
$98.00$98.00$68.00 -
Money Magnet
The Money Magnet Wealth Attractor Bracelet - Ancient Hindu formula for improving your fortunes. Money Magnet®.
$68.00$88.00$39.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
Sacred Turquoise Healing And Protection Bracelet - Unisex - Guaranteed authentic stone
$158.00$138.00$102.00 -
Energy Artist Julia
The Age Of Magic Energy Bracelet - Awakens The Magic Within. Dragon's Blood And Carnelian.